The economic model of the centers of hope is close to that of a social enterprise.

Indeed, the associative component of the centers will work in tandem with a business component.

Let’s take the example of training in building trades to better illustrate this operating model.

An expert in carpentry passes on his know-how to young apprentices who have a passion for this field and who were unemployed As this is a practical training, during their apprenticeship, these young people will make furniture. The young people will pay training fees which will be used to pay the carpentry expert. The latter therefore receives a fixed remuneration directly proportional to the number of apprentices trained.

On the sidelines of this specialized carpentry training, the young person will also receive more general training in areas such as: knowing how to manage their budget, setting goals, conflict resolution, improving their family life, etc.

All of this first part falls under the associative aspect, dedicated to restoring hope to both young people and carpentry experts.

All the aspects relating to the marketing of the furniture thus created will be the responsibility of the company.

In addition, we will help the carpentry expert to set up a website to give carpentry advice, as well as to record his knowledge in the form of CDs, videos, and possibly e-books.

This will allow him to earn commissions in the form of copyright on his know-how.

This whole part is also part of the business component operating in tandem with the Eden Espoir association.

The model thus illustrated applies to other economic sectors.

With regard to agricultural trades, the learning outcome will be agricultural products as well as the recording of knowledge in agriculture.

With regard to internet professions and more particularly e-business, the apprentice will be supported in setting up an operational internet business or may be employed to work on the many internet businesses available to the associated company.